12 April, 2011

You Say You Want A Revolution

Jamie's back! And he's brought his fruits, his veggies, and his whole foods with him. I love this guy, and I really admire what he's doing here. As an American, I do find it a bit disturbing that it took a foreigner stepping in to really get this revolution started. But I can think of no one more equipped to do it. He's a noble foreigner with a great passion for making us a healthier nation. (A nation, might I add, that is made up of some of the world's most diversified farmable lands, and still eats predominantly imported and processed foods. Grrr..)

I'm on board with you and your revolution, Jamie. Let's stick it to the man! Go get 'em, tiger ;)


Sans Limites Crochet said...

Hi Heather! Awesome post! I love the food revolution! Did you see his interview on The Daily Show last week? It was great!

Love your blog! <3

Unknown said...

AMEN! I've been a big fan of his food revolution since it was started. I'm with you on the whole foreigner taking care of our eating habits thing, but WHATEVER it takes! I mean, our country is chock full of people like Rush Limbaugh who criticize Michelle Obama for wanting to provide healthy options for our children. WHY would you EVER criticize someone for wanting our children to be healthy?!?!

Jess said...

i love this guy and the last season of the show! (my sister is a dietitian so its a popular discussion topic ;) can't wait to see this round i heard that he unfortunately ran into a lot more resistance in LA :( sigh.

also check out his TED talk if you haven't see it yet!

Christine said...

I really love what he's doing. It's amazing how little people know about nutrition.

Anonymous said...

I love Jamie and what he is doing for the food culture in the U.S.

Heather said...

Yay for Jamie! As for the resistance he, and people like Michelle Obama, are receiving, I just can't wrap my head around that. Children deserve to opportunity to be healthy and educated, it's as simple as that. Politics really never needs to enter that picture. Grrr...

I did see the TED talk, but I haven't seen the Daily Show interview yet. Will have to check it out this weekend!

I'm interested to see how the rest of this season goes for him. Go Jamie!

Francesca said...

hi heather, that's good to know. there's been some press over here saying the food revolution didn't go down too well over there but maybe that's just the places where no-one wants to change and maybe just the press that doesn't like jamie oliver anyway! congrats on the cute nephew by the way. x

Erin {pughs' news} said...

Oh I completely agree! I adore Jamie Oliver. I think he is awesome. Am following him on Twitter and he is so passionate about getting rid of sugary milk, and teaching kids to eat healthy.

My sister-in-law bought me the Jamie's 30 Minute Meals cookbook for my birthday and I can't wait to try all the delicious recipes.

Carissa said...

Love Jamie Oliver! A couple months ago I bought the book Food Revolution and have been trying out different recipes. Love the show too, he seems like such a cool guy.

Kate said...

Aw, I love Jamie!